搜索 Snow

  • 一伙偷猎的暴徒在公海对鲨鱼展开了肆意猎杀,激怒了大白鲨,偷猎暴徒葬身鲨口。转而大白鲨又盯上了游艇上庆祝毕业五个密友,因此五人与大白鲨展开了剧烈的搏斗,死活之间,只有逃离鲨口回到岸上的意念可以继续支持着他们...
  • 在上帝創造人類之前,上帝和天使同住在天堂。當天使看到上帝多麼喜愛他的最新創作:人類。有些天使開始心生忌妒,於是在路西法率領之下反抗上帝,淪落到人間,稱為「墮落天使」。他們煽動人類犯法,因為罪孽越深,就能使他們获取更大的实力,最終計畫是消滅人類。於是上帝吩咐消磨仁慈的天使到人間幫助人類。拉菲爾原是墮落天使的一員,卻不把…
  • Ainsley (Kelsey Gunn) is a misanthrope who hates people but when she suddenly finds herself in isolation with no one to talk to, she realizes how much she actually misses connection. Enter Ulysses, a dead mouse in a jar. With a little bit of loneliness, a pinch of imagination, and a mouse- sized tuxedo, Ulysses becomes…
  • 故事布景设在明治64年,并由德川庆喜把握权利的另一个日本。国家靠能量源「龙脉」,形成江户和科学夹杂的怪异发展。但富贵背后,反体系体例派构造「蛇」正酝酿反动之火。德川当局委任暗构造「鵺」将其驱除。女主角-雪村笑羽在幼时被灭门,因此她作为「鵺」的处刑人,为报仇而延续寻觅蛇野目……
  • Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because it is hard to get a conviction at Christmas time. But he feels sorry for her and arranges for her bail, and ends up taking her home to his mother for Christmas. Surrounded…
  • Follows hacker Connor, his best friend Avi and a cunning librarian who find themselves over their heads when forced to compete in a sophisticated dark web secret society's global recruitment game.
  • Cary Scott(简·怀曼 Jane Wyman 饰)固然是一个有着两个孩子的中年孀妇,身旁却依然不缺寻求者。一天她在本人的花园里相逢了新来的园丁,已故的老园丁的儿子——年轻的Ron Kirby(罗克·赫德森 Rock Hudson 饰)。几回打仗后,Cary体会到Ron对于栽种的喜爱,因此Ron带着Cary往了他的家。岁数的差异并不可阻拦两人坠进爱河,然而他们的恋爱却要…
  • 平易近国时期,中华大地,内忧外患,满目疮痍。列强在中国洗劫文物,反动义士柳云飞集结官方有能之士珍爱玉帛不被掠夺,与各方势力周旋,展开一段冒险之旅。世人历经重重困难,毕竟找到深埋谷底的宝躲,不意,有人见财起意,触碰机关,山涧崩塌。危难之际,柳云飞牺牲本人,将伙伴封无名等人从困境中救出。一行人这才意想到要抢救平易近族于危难…
  • Nesting Dolls is a psychological thriller about the darker sides of us that can lie just beneath the surface. Tori, Britt, and Erica are sorority sisters who spend a week together at a river house. When near-catastrophe strikes, the three are forced against one another as sisters turn to enemies and their humanity and …
  • 影片将基于Franklin Foer在《纽约时报》杂志颁布的一篇文章,聚焦一个凑趣显贵的汉子Albrecht Muth(瓦尔茨饰),勾引并成功娶到一位年老很多的富婆Viola Drath(雷德格雷夫饰),两人在1990年成婚,彼时男方26,女方71。Muth通过Drath成功跻身上流社会,而他背后的目标始终潜躲在暗处,直到2011年Drath被发明死在了乔治敦的家里才被开诚布…