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  • 《飞侠哥整理》是于1980年按照亚历克斯·雷蒙德的同名漫画改编而来的一部太空科幻影戏。主人公哥整理是一位足球运带动,机缘偶合之下与女主角戴尔·阿登一起被困在扎尔科夫博士的太空船上。三人随后被卷进蒙戈星球的大杂乱中,在那边,他们必需一起匹敌邪恶帝王预备扑灭地球的阴谋。作为科幻邪典,《飞侠哥整理》拥有使人线人一新的超前熟悉,至…
  • A rich woman, Raffaella, and some friends rent a yacht to sail the Mediterranean Sea during summer. The sailor, Gennarino, who is a communist, does not like this woman but has to bear with her bad mood. One day she wakes up late in the afternoon and asks to be taken to land where everyone had gone earlier. Gennarino se…