搜索 Honey

  • 阿不思·邓布利多传授(裘德·洛 饰)意想到壮大的黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃(麦斯·米科尔森 饰)正试图争取魔法世界的掌握权。邓布利多体会仅凭他一人之力,将没法阻拦格林德沃,因此他委托魔法动物学家纽特·斯卡曼德(埃迪·雷德梅恩 饰)带领一支精巧的团队——成员包孕男巫、女巫及一位勇敢的麻瓜面包师,来合营履行这项危险任务。一起上他…
  • 你會讓小怪物牠們綁架我們的女人嗎?故事發生於英國鄉間,小怪物碰上熱血警探。不懷好意的外星人在農場登陸,年輕女人相繼掉蹤,使夏季舞會上的村平易近起了狐疑。村平易近很快就和英豪梅歐團結起來,合营對抗进侵者,讓寧靜的英國農村回歸和平。
  • 一位丛林领导被原居平易近部落绑架,想把他献祭给白犀牛神,就当他小命要不保时,他忽然跌进时光地道,来到一群蛮横黑发女统治的国家,她们会奴役金发姐妹。他回尽卡莉皇后的求欢,转而站在金发妞那一边,这也形成他被囚禁起来。
  • 在春季后一百天, 一百万卢旺达难平易近在massacred 碰到由他 们的头目Hutu 带领一群士兵,并遭到残杀,使一个非洲小国刹时变成地狱。野 蛮是在想像力之外。结合国维和士兵是在那边观看。观看但不可动。一个英国的教士和他的年轻侍从目击这一幕,一时候他们的信念, 他们的勇气和心理极限遭到极大的冲击, 最初, 他们被迫做出选择,要末留下来要末与…
  • 该剧以真实事务为底子,分为两个时候段,报告了致使谋杀和审判的事务。雷(巴勒特饰)和他23岁的弟弟内森(塔皮饰)在刺伤母亲的伴侣后被捕。不管什么情况下致使孩子杀人,法令是明确的刑事义务的岁数是10岁,12岁时,雷必需在成人法庭接收审判。  搬到他母亲维罗妮卡的家和他23岁的哥哥内森在一起,雷目击了一场争持,升级为他母亲的伴侣斯科特对…
  • An ambitious lawyer kills her gardener by mistake, fearing her chances with the law and the impact this will have on her career at a prestigious firm, she turns to her best friend to help her get rid of the body.
  • When the remains of two murdered Princes are discovered at the Tower of London, a troubled Priest must put his beliefs aside to befriend a mysterious prisoner, who has supernatural powers to communicate with the dead. Together they must solve the mystery of who murdered the Princes, as prisoners in the castle dungeon m…
  • Ruth Paxton’s women-led horror sees a mother tested when her daughter insists that her body is no longer her own, but in service to a higher power.
  • Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and …
  • Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and …