搜索 Nirmal

  • 在一次毒品稽查任务中,阿伦掉了最好的同伴杰夫特;从此,阿伦不单肩负了清查内鬼,为杰夫特报仇的重任,还承当了四个孩子的义务;可是,孩子们并不喜好这个凶巴巴的阿伦叔叔,阿伦的生存变得一塌糊涂;整洁温馨的家,听话交情的孩子们,多姿多彩的生存,这一切的改变回功于艳丽神秘的吉特走进了这个杂乱的家庭,慢慢的阿伦爱上了对本人一往情…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> The story revolves around a new female college student in a dormitory filled with mysterious occurrences due to the awakening of a demon through an incantation and curse that still holds a connection to her o…
  • 1999年,迈克尔马修斯成为登顶圣母峰最年轻的英国人。但在实现登顶的3个小时后,他掉落了并再没被找到。23年后,他的弟弟,一位企业家及主持人斯宾塞马修斯预备前往寻觅他。与拥有14座岑岭攀挂号录的尼尔马普贾构成部队,跟着天气的恶化救援队面临着极端应战。  本片部分镜头可能引发观众不适,请酌情观看。
  • The film, Silent Heroes, is based on the story of 13 real deaf children who through mountaineering want to prove that they are different but not disabled. The Leader who never considered the deaf children as capable and equal and discouraged them all through the course gets badly injured in an accident. This might be a…
  • The world of Kumari, who is married off far away in Kanhirangat, a cursed land beyond Illymala, in the west. A naive Kumari arrives in the cursed land, where people are ready to sacrifice their lives to preserve tradition and power.