搜索 Sumner

  • 索菲(米凯·萨姆纳 Mickey Sumner 饰)是弗朗西斯(格蕾塔·葛韦格 Greta Gerwig 饰)最要好的同伙兼室友,两人全日里出双进对,关系俨然比情侣要亲密的多。然而某日,索菲溘然告知弗朗西斯,本人要搬到城中和另一个女孩同住。固然索菲万般保证两人照旧同伙,但弗朗西斯的心里依旧很是掉落。  没法单独肩负房租的弗朗西斯只得另觅住处,索菲…
  • From IMDB Hard, withdrawn city cop Jim Wilson roughs up one too many suspects and is sent upstate to help investigate the murder of a young girl in the winter countryside. There he meets Mary Malden, whom he finds attractive and independent. However, Mary's brother is chief suspect in the killing. And Mary herself is b…
  • 这是一部性感的拉拉喜剧。劳拉是个很有先天的摄影师可是对什么事都心不在焉,她只有能赶上一个紧张的会议,她的恋爱事业城市成功。可是跟往常一样她又早退了,她有3次机遇填补,在旧金山街头尽看的跑着的劳拉能赶上吗?