搜索 Vernon

  • 一位行将退休的侦察与一位非洲研究传授一起清查一位正在履行古老黑魔法演习 Muti 的连环杀手。
  • A warrior and a beautiful ex-convict are left to fight the galaxy's most fearsome commandos in an alien wasteland.
  • This documentary tells the story of the 1999 London bombings that targeted minority communities, and the race to find the far-right extremist behind them.
  • 拍摄外星人进侵题材的影戏无外乎从两方面出手:要末笔调轻巧,要末手段沉重。其中并无捷径可寻,也不成能草草绕过了事。但遗憾的是《外太空杀人小丑》仍然试图寻觅一条不偏不倚,因此他们选中了“马戏团”这个中介。想象一下所谓的惊天大阴谋就是一群穿戴小丑服的外星侏儒在地球上大举破损,用激光射线枪把人类变成喷喷喷鼻闪闪亮的棉花糖——除…
  • 小男孩马基(麦克斯·雷诺丹 Max Renaudin 配音)一家人被猎人绑架,算作了奴隶预备发卖到法国。马基趁着猎人熟睡之机,偷偷脱节了手铐,开端了流亡。路上碰到了长颈鹿“扎拉法”(黛博拉·弗朗索瓦 Déborah Fran?ois 配音),不幸的是猎人沿着脚印追了上来,将“扎拉法”的母亲殛毙了,马基准许“扎拉法”的母亲必定会赐顾帮衬好他。危急关头…
  • 剧情改编自真人真事,描写诺玛·蕾一家都在南部小镇中的棉织厂事情,情况很是恶劣,工人饱受资本家的无情盘剥。后来总工会派来一位构造者辅佐当地构造工会,遭到工人们冷言冷语和老板在理阻拦。可是对不公道事物具有应战勇气的诺玛遭到构造者的影响而站了出来,毕竟在工厂成立了第一个工会。
  • 一个不道德的假释官(狄龙饰)欠下了当地黑帮头子的债权,被迫在12小时内实现一系列危险的毒品抢劫动作,以了偿他所欠的200万美圆,同时解救他被绑架的怀孕妃耦,并与该市掉利的差人局长(威利斯饰)算账,后者与该黑帮头子合作,多年前曾出卖过假释官。
  • An altercation between a group of girls out for the night and a gang of local punks leaves the punks vowing revenge. It comes in the form of the gang-rape of a young mute (Heather) and her older sister (Brenda) starts hunting the gang in turn - armed with bear traps and crossbow. A teenage vigilante seeks revenge on a …
  • This powerful western starring Peter Facinelli (Twilight franchise) shows what happens when you push a good man too far. Britt MacMasters, a U.S. Marshal, returns from a mission to find his father (Tom Skerritt) wounded and his son, Chad, kidnapped by the outlaw Jed Blake. Hot on their trail, Britt forms a posse with a…
  • 'The Chariot' tells the story of a corporation and doctor (John Malkovich) that oversees the process of reincarnation, and a young man (Thomas Mann) who becomes a glitch in the system when he encounters a woman (Rosa Salazar) he loved in a previous life.